Intensive Personal Training Program
The Intensive Personal Training Program is designed for individuals that want to become instructors in Contemporary Jeet Kune Do. This class is the same as the one taught by Sifu Paul Vunak in California. Now, you do not have to travel to CA if Virginia Beach, VA is closer to your location. The class can be taught in a weekend or spread over 3 months. It is 10 hours of private instruction. People learn approximately 6 times faster in private sessions than in group classes. In approximately 10 hours of instruction, the candidate will have learned how to defend himself or herself from 1 on 1 assaults, group attacks, weapons attacks, and how to use a knife for self defense. One does not need previous experience and most all fitness levels can do these techniques. However, the one attribute the person must have is desire. A goal without plan is just a wish. This course is the plan for those that have the desire.
These courses are taught under the direction of Barry Jenkins, Senior Instructor and former Vice President of Operations for Progressive Fighting Systems. Private sessions are one half hour in length and the entire course in learned in 3 months. This is not a 4 year black belt program. A black belt won't protect you from an assault, but real fighting skills will. This is the course Sigung Vunak developed for Seal Team 6 in the 1980s. The cost of the course is $2000.00.